Agenda 01-07-2023
Posted onIndia Basin Neighborhood Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Monday, January 9, 2023, 9 AM (for January 7), via ZOOM Join Zoom Meeting:
India Basin Neighborhood Association Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Monday, January 9, 2023, 9 AM (for January 7), via ZOOM Join Zoom Meeting:
Read about volunteer gardeners continuing to beautify Innes Avenue; Entwined beautifying Golden Gate Park; Box Shop Open Studios; holiday ornament making at Candlestick; Free holiday trees; a free service that connects landlords and renters and more at:
It’s a great time to involved with IBNA; Art on Innes installations continue; Meet the Woman behind Cafe Alma; Famous Alma Boat built at India Basin; Fun for Little ones at Heron’s Head; and more at
Help install more Art on Innes every second Sunday; Participate in the Assemblymember Candidate Debate; Check out the new playground at Heron’s Head Park; Learn about a virtual crisis counseling contact; survey on clean water project priorities. All this and more: