DRAFT Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
July 14, 2012
9:17AM Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Presentation
Members Present: Michael Hamman, Michael Cocagne, Sean Karlin, Steve LaPlante, Kathryn Altamore, Brian Stott, & Jill Fox.
Members Absent: Richard Laufman & Sue Ellen Smith*.
9:18AM Approval of Meeting Minutes: tabled until next month.
9:20AM Chairman’s Report:
- Discussion of Houseboat: motion made by SK that letters should be sent to Ed Lee, Malia Cohen re houseboat; KA 2ds, all approve.
9:30AM Treasurer’s Report:
MC submitted financials to Board via e-mail; discussion.
9:40AM Secretary’s Report: SES’s notes reported to Board by MC
- Correspondence: see proposed letter re Parcel E-2
- Logo issues: MH makes motion to use a serif font in the new logo produced by Cab Covay; KA 2ds motion, all approve.
- Letter of thanks to Robert ? Letter went out 5/31/12
- Update on the IBNA e-mail list: in progress
- New board member profiles on web site: SES has placed temporary icons as placeholders for new Board members’ photos; still need bios – please submit to SES
- Other Reports:
- Update on Houseboat
- Update on Membership by Brian.
- Old Business:
- America True Event
- Reach out Erin
- Set Date
- IBNA Involvement
- New Business:
- Legal status of Association/See IBP #2 attached from Kristine: tabled
- Sean’s video proposal: MH makes motion, SLP 2ds, all approve.
- Accept resignation from Kathryn: Board members to seek new member
- Discussion & Possible action: Motion as to whether IBNA should take a position on the decision to reverse the Navy ROD on parcel E-2 is made by SK; SLP 2ds; all approve. IBNA supports capping and sealing in place.
10:50AM Adjournment.
* Note: These rough minutes were taken by MC at the meeting and prepared by SES, who was absent from the meeting.
11:00AM Meet With Blue Greenway Bike Path Planners
- SFPA will introduction the Blue Greenway Area-Wide Plan and up date on process so far.
- Bionic’s will give a Power Point Presentation on current site conditions,
- Discussion and collect feedback from group on open space ideas and connectivity.
- Next steps Bionic’s and SFPA
The Bicycle Coalition will be present at Saturday’s meeting. The representative’s name is Dani.