
IBNA Minutes 9-10-2011


Board of Directors Meeting

September 10, 2011

9:24AM Meeting Called to order. Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Jill Fox, Kathryn Altamore, Brian Stott, Pauline Peele, & Sue Ellen Smith.

Members Absent: Bob Lake, Richard Laufman, & Robert Van Houten.


9:25AM No Meeting Minutes from August 06, 2011.


9:26AM Chairman’s Report:

a. MH reported he will meet w/ Charles Chase re 900 Innes. Historical Commission/SF Heritage will get involved. JF met head of Bldg. Insp. Commission, who will help if 311 complaints are ineffective.

b. MH made report w/ DPW re trees on Fitch St. DPW mailed 60-day notice to Acosta to fix trees or face $1,600 fine.

c. MH has not had a response from SFPD Off. Sue Lavin re homeless.


9:36AM Treasurer’s Report:

RVH submitted financial spreadsheet via e-mail in advance of mtg.


9:37AM Secretary’s Report:

a. Correspondence: TY ltrs to Avalos, Dufty, Malcolm Leung to be done.

Correspondence procedure: all official memos & ltrs. shall be signed by the Board Chairperson.


9:45AM Other Reports:

a. Report of meeting with Mayor’s staff: MH, JF, & SES met w/ M. Leung.

b. Update on Web Site: MH reports that new WordPress website will be up soon (not avail. @ mtg b/c MH’s internet is down), & will send link to Board. Website will have public & private (draft agendas, minutes) areas.

c. Update on Membership: BS reports 38 individual + 11 biz members. BS to take break from Speakeasy nights.


10:22AM Old Business:

a. Discussion of future planning for Area “C”: SFRA on hold; Planning will not take it on. Dev’t. restrictions are off, but no dev’t going on. PG&E has no interest in developing their property now; will let it sit. North Access bridge from Evans to Shipyard is also on hold, per M. Antonini of Planning Commission.

b. Update on walking tours: JF to do only as requested.

c. Condition of 900 Innes: see Chairman’s report above.


10:45AM New Business:

a. Discuss Hudson Ave. Pathway Stmt: SES to re-draft for Board.

b. Update IBNA procedures regarding correspondence: see Sec. Report.

c. JF reports Bay Natives business coming in to The Pound.

d. Discuss Board membership: If Board members have unexcused absences, MH will ask him/her to attend or Board may vote to dismiss at next mtg. MH will contact Bob Lake re his absences, & Board may vote to dismiss him @ next mtg. if he does not attend.

e. Discussion regarding trees on Fitch: see Chairman’s report above.


10:54AM Future Agendas:

Board Membership vote.


10:55AM Parcel E-1 Comment Period

Saul Bloom of ARC Ecology reports that the brief window for comments is open & if IBNA wants its comments included in the admin record, now if the time. Board discusses the options. JF makes motion; 2d by KA, Board votes unanimously to make no comment, as Board prefers parcel to be capped rather than disturbed by excavation.


11:00AM Adjournment.


11:15AM Meet with The PORT to discuss designs for the 3rd & Cargo parcel

Presentation by Port staff of 3 designs for the 3rd & Cargo parcel. Feedback provided by IBNA Board and general membership. IBNA prefers installation of pedestrian-triggered crosswalk signal, and lower berm to allow greater lines of sight for R-turning traffic coming from Cargo.