
IBNA Minutes 2-5-2011

Board of Directors Meeting
Saturday, February 5, 2011

9:00AM Meeting called to order. Quorum Present.
Members present: Brian Stott; Jill Fox; Kristine Enea; Michael Hamman;
Richard Laufman; & Sue Ellen Smith.
Members absent: Bob Lake; Kathryn Altamore; Pauline Peele; & Robert Van
9:15AM General Organization/Board Overview/Assignment of Board Seats
Seat 1: Michael Hamman; through 2012
Seat 2: Sue Ellen Smith; through 2012
Seat 3: Pauline Peele; through 2012
Seat 4: Jill Fox; through 2013
Seat 5: Kathryn Altamore; through 2013
Seat 6: Bob Lake; through 2013
Seat 7: Richard Laufman; through 2011
Seat 8: Robert van Houten; through 2011
Seat 9: Brian Stott; through 2011

9:25AM Reports
AGM: all agreed: excellent!

Shoreline Planning: KE: EIR due soon; more info later.

Park Acquisition: JF: met w/ Parks & Rec GM; good progress/support.

Membership: BS: $650 in new memberships received.

Treasurer: MH: received funds from BS; will work w/ KE to address bank
signatory cards, bank ATM cards, etc.

9:40AM Divide Board Tasks – Organization Logistics
Members discussed tasks and took tentative nominations (see below);
members tabled the vote for Board officers until next meeting.
IBNA Logistics
Task in 2010; Task in 2011
Chair: Kristine; Michael
Treasurer: Michael; Robert
Membership: Brian: Brian
Post Office/Mail: Brian; Brian
“Info” e-mail: Kristine; Michael/Chair
Website: Michael; Kristine
Yahoo Admin: Kristine, Brian, & Melita
Minutes/Correspondence: Sue Ellen
Meeting Agendas: Jill; Jill
Supe/Civic Contact: Pauline Pauline; Steve LaPlante

9:55AM Website Comments
Positive comments received. Kristine to maintain website; requested walking
tour dates & other event dates for posting.

10:00AM Review Calendar
Board Meetings: First Saturday @ 9AM, except on holiday weekends*
March 5; April 2; May 7; June 4; July 9*; August 6; September 10*; October 1;
November 5; & December 3.

Speakeasy Nights: 3rd Fridays. Post on website as “IBNA Nights @ Speakeasy?”

Walking Tours: 3rd Saturdays. Next tour February 19, 2011. Jill to send walking tour
brochure to Kristine for posting on website w/ next dates.

Spring Egg Hunt: April 23rd.

HP Shipyard Development: Richard announced that the Vertical Development will be discussed at a meeting on Thursday, Feb. 10 @ 6PM in the Lennar Trailer.

§501(c)(3): Kristine to explore (application is ready) next steps.

Technical Ass’t Grant (TAG): ARC Ecology will attend every 3d IBNA meeting to
present progress.

10:15AM Discussion
Members discussed strategies for meeting new D10 Supervisor Malia Cohen,
including: inviting Supe to attend general IBNA mtg; IBNA Board go to meet w/
her; invite her to Egg Hunt/Photo Op; & arranging meeting w/ her re Park
Acquisitions. Michael to talk w/ Megan re best approach.
Additional discussion re Board tasks. Robert Van Houten agreed via telephone
that he accepts nomination for Treasurer.

10:25AM Meeting Adjourned.