
Gatherings are a wonderful way to meet your neighbors. The India Basin Neighborhood Association presents multiple free public events and helps promote other events in our neighborhood throughout the year. Check out ways to participate and enjoy our community together. To volunteer for an IBNA event, or request IBNA promote your community event, contact

India Basin Planting & Cleaning

MLK Day: Monday, January 20

10:00 AM to Noon

Meet at The Big Fish, Corner of Arelious Walker and Innes

On MLK Day, Monday, January 20, 10:00 AM to Noon, come out to plant flowers and pick up trash along Innes Avenue. All equipment, gloves, and plants provided. Plus donuts! Participating in a day of service is a wonderful way to honor Martin Luther King, Jr, meet your neighbors, and make our community just a little nicer.
 Please RSVP so we have enough supplies

India Basin Fall Cleaning
Saturday, October 12, 2024

10:00 AM to Noon
Meet at The Big Fish, corner of Arelious Walker and Innes

There will be lots of eyes on our neighborhood in October because of the Park Ribbon Cutting, Open Studios, and the Gantry Crane Lighting. Let’s make it tidy for all the visitors. Meet at The Big Fish, corner of Arelious Walker and Innes. Equipment and gloves provided. Plus there will be donuts!

Please RSVP on the Eventbrite Link to make sure we have enough stuff, and so you can be notified if there are any changes. See you there!

Summer Cleaning Saturday, July 20, 2024

Come out and help on Saturday, July 20, 10:00 AM to Noon, for the India Basin Summer Cleanup. Spend a couple hours hanging out with neighbors, picking up trash, and enjoying free donuts. It’ll make the street look nicer and you feel better, too! Meet at The Big Fish, Innes and Arelious Walker Street. Please sign up for the free ticket so that we have enough equipment and snacks:

RSVP for Summer Cleaning July 20

Spring Cleaning Saturday, April 20, 2024

Do your part to make the world a little healthier on Earth Day weekend. On Saturday, April 20, 10:00 AM to Noon, help pick up trash and weeds along Innes Avenue, meet your neighbors, and get involved with the community. Gather at the Big Fish sculpture, corner of Innes and Arelious Walker. All equipment and donuts provided by IBNA. Bring water and sun protection. The following weekend is Shipyard Open Studios so let’s make our main street look nice for the visitors. Your two hours will make a huge impact! Please RSVP below to be sure there is enough food and equipment.
RSVP for Spring Cleaning April 20

IBNA 2023 Annual General Meeting & Party June 3

Register HERE for a FREE TICKET!

Your opportunity to:

  • Meet your India Basin & Shipyard neighbors
  • Chat with friends
  • Find out what’s happening around here
  • Suggest future activities
  • Check out @TheSFGarage
  • Join / renew your IBNA membership via cash, check, or PayPal
  • Enjoy happy hour beverages and snacks

The event is FREE. Everyone is welcome!

Please register for a FREE TICKET so that we have enough food and beverages.

  • The event is Saturday, June 3, 2023, 3 PM to 5 PM
  • @TheSFGarage is located at 262 Coleman Street, just west of Innes, inside the SF Shipyard
  • Attendees must be vaccinated
  • Well-behaved children are welcome
  • No dogs please
  • You can take this opportunity to join or donate to IBNA at the event via cash, check, or PayPal
  • IBNA hats will be available for sale for $20 via cash or check

Enjoy India Basin Fall Fest Sunday, October 16, Noon to 5 PM

IBNA Sponsors Free Kayak Rides Noon to 3 PM

Help Install another Art on Innes Mural Saturday, June 18, from 9:30 am – 11 am

Meet at Innes and Arelious Walker to help install the next mural. No experience needed! IBNA supplies tools, gloves, water, and snack.

The murals along our main street do not appear by magic! Check them out on Innes Avenue near Arelious Walker Street.

Another opportunity to install a mural along Innes Avenue is scheduled for Satuday, June 18, 2022. Meet at the murals across from 800 Innes. Wear comfortable clothes and work gloves. IBNA supplies water and a snack. No building experience needed, lots of satisfaction in performing a good deed for the community is guaranteed!

This is part of a series of the Art on Innes events IBNA is organizing to improve Innes Avenue with public art and planters around trees.

Join the Community Conversation about 700 Innes on May 21

YOU are invited to join the IBNA Community Conversation with Build, Inc on Saturday, May 21, 10:00 AM at Cafe Alma, 888 Innes. Representatives of Build, Inc will provide project details and construction schedules and answer your questions. IBNA will provide coffee and pastries. Please RSVP to this FREE event:

IBNA Annual Meeting … and Party March 26!

We’re so excited to be meeting again in person. Neighbors and friends are welcome at the IBNA Annual General Meeting … and Party on Saturday, March 26, from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM. IBNA Board Member Michael Hamman is opening The Barn at 702 Earl for the gathering. The emphasis is PARTY. This is your opportunity to mingle with friends, meet your neighbors, chat about India Basin, hear what’s up with future developments, and support IBNA for 2022. Enjoy snacks, adult beverages, and the fantastic view. Please RSVP for this FREE Event:

The IBNA Annual Meeting … and Party is at The Barn on March 26
  • The Barn is located on Earl Street, down the driveway from the “Headless Horse” on Innes Avenue
  • If you are able, please park on Innes and walk down the hill. Parking is very limited
  • There are only stairs to the Penthouse event location (no elevator)
  • Attendees must be vaccinated
  • Well-behaved children are welcome
  • No dogs please
  • The event is FREE. You can take this opportunity to join or donate to IBNA at the event via check, cash, Venmo, or PayPal
  • IBNA hats will be available for sale for $20 via check, cash, Venmo, or PayPal

Install Another piece of Art on Innes, Sunday, March 13 9:00 – 11:00 AM

The murals along our main street do not appear by magic! Check them out on Innes Avenue near Arelious Walker Street.

Another opportunity to install a mural along Innes Avenue is scheduled for Sunday, March 13, 2022. Meet at the murals across from 800 Innes. Wear comfortable clothes and work gloves. IBNA supplies water and a snack. No building experience needed, lots of satisfaction in performing a good deed for the community is guaranteed!

This is part of a series of the Art on Innes events IBNA is organizing to improve Innes Avenue with public art and planters around trees.

IBNA Community Conversation November 6 at 10:00 – 11:00 AM Invitation

Greenaction is seeking feedback from the India Basin Neighborhood Association on project ideas that can help protect the bay and community. You are invited to hear the Greenaction presentation and share your thoughts on Saturday, November 6 at 10:00 AM, Café Alma, 888 Innes Avenue. Their presentation and brainstorming should take about 30 minutes while you enjoy a cup of coffee on IBNA. We’ve also invited some of the folks from Bayview Hill Neighborhood Association to talk about the city’s plan to create an RV shelter/park on the Candlestick peninsula and what that will mean for the surrounding community. There will be time for your questions and comments PLUS IBNA announcements. Everyone is welcome! Learn more:

Because of anticipated bad weather, India Basin Free Family Fun Day scheduled for Saturday, October 23, 2021, has been POSTPONED until Spring, 2022. We look forward to seeing you then!

IBNA Community Conversation July 10 at 10 Invitation

Everyone is welcome to Zoom into the IBNA meeting on Saturday, July 10, 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Hear two brief presentations about activities impacting our waterfront. The Port of San Francisco will explain their plans for combating sea-level rise, including at Heron’s Head Park. Then, we’ll get an overview of the Equity Development Plan for the India Basin Park project (also known as 900 Innes and Shoreline Park). There will be time for your questions and comments PLUS IBNA announcements. Learn more and get the link:

Innes Avenue Beatification Action:
Saturday, April 17, 2021, 9:30 am – 11:00 am

Celebrate the first day of spring with a little exercise, flowers, and doing a good deed.

Every third Saturday of the month India Basin neighbors cleanup trash, pull weeds, and build community along Innes Avenue. Meet Saturday, April 17, 9:30 am, at Cafe Alma, 888 Innes. IBNA supplies bags and tools. Please wear long pants, gloves, closed-toed shoes, your mask, and weather protection. First 30 volunteers receive a treat from Cafe Alma. Hope to see you there!

Annual General Meeting is Virtual:
Saturday, February 27, 2021, 10:00-11:30 am

Everyone is welcome at the IBNA  Annual General Meeting on Saturday, February 27 at 10 in the morning. In less than 90 minutes, from the comfort of your favorite Zooming space, you can learn about recent victories, get the scoop on upcoming projects, meet the Board, ask questions, and wave to your neighbors. Zoom Meeting Information

Innes Avenue Beautification Action:
Saturday, February 20, 2021, 9:30 am – 11:00 am

Thank you to the 30 January volunteers for picking up 40 bags of trash!

Join India Basin neighbors in cleaning up trash, pulling weeds, and building community along Innes Avenue. Meet Saturday, February 20, 9:30 am, at Cafe Alma, 888 Innes. IBNA supplies bags and tools. Please wear long pants, gloves, closed-toed shoes, your mask, and weather protection. First 30 volunteers receive a treat from Cafe Alma. Hope to see you there!

Innes Avenue Beautification Action:
Saturday, January 23, 2021, 9:30 am – 11:00 am

Thank you November volunteers!

Celebrate the new year (and new President) with a few hours of community service.

Join your neighbors in cleaning up trash and weeds along Innes Avenue. Meet at Cafe Alma, 888 Innes. IBNA will supply bags and gloves. Please wear long pants, washable gloves, closed-toed shoes, and a mask. BONUS: Free goodies from Café Alma to the first 30 volunteers.

Thank you to the 25+ people who made the November event a great success.

Innes Avenue Beautification Action:
Saturday, November 14, 2020, 9:30 am to 11:00 am

Welcome the Bay Area Bleepers! This month we’ll be joined by a local metal detecting club seeking hidden treasure around India Basin Open Space. They’ll be the ones with the metal detectors. Meet your neighbors, spruce up the community, learn about metal detection, and enjoy a Cafe Alma treat. Gather at 9:30 AM at Café Alma, 888 Innes Avenue.
IBNA will provide: Trash bags, the pincers, and other clean-up tools.
How you get ready: Wear a good pair of washable gloves, long pants, close-toed shoes, and a mask. Bring your own water and any sun protection you might need.
Bonus: Free goodies from Café Alma to the first 30 volunteers.

You’re Invited to a D10 Town Hall October 26

RSVP to meet with our representatives at City Hall and Sacrammento:

Successful Beautification Actions:

Saturday October 17, 2020: 40 Bags of Trash Removed!

Volunteers show pride in the community … removing 40 bags of trash and weeds, meeting neighbors, and enjoying Cafe Alma hospitality.

Thank you volunteers for giving up your Saturday morning to beautify the community!
Innes and Hunters Point Boulevard “Before” the October beautification event
Innes and Hunters Point Boulevard “After” volunteers worked their magic

Saturday September 18, 2020:

More than 20 folks turned out to meet their neighbors, clean up graffiti on the 900 Innes gate, pull weeds, and remove trash. Thanks!

Griffith and Innes before IBNA September beautification event.
Griffith and Innes after IBNA September beautification event.
Thank you IBNA September volunteers for taking pride in our community!

Saturday August 15, 2020: 30 Bags of Trash Removed!
9:30 AM to 11:00 AM

IBNA August cleanup action rids Innes Avenue of 30 bags of trash while building community

Join in an IBNA beautification action and help clean up Innes Avenue! Meet at 9:30 at the Big Fish sculpture at the corner of Arelious Walker and Innes.
IBNA will provide: Trash bags, the pincers, and other clean-up tools.
How you get ready: Wear a good pair of washable gloves, long pants, close-toed shoes, and a mask. Bring your own water and any sun protection you might need. Bonus: At the end of the clean-up there will be free goodies at Cafe Alma for everyone who participates.

I couldn’t help but smile while driving along Innes this afternoon at how beautiful it was without all the trash. It’s amazing what people can do when we come together for a common cause and to help each other.
Eric S. Vanderpool, IBNA Member and Cleanup Volunteer

IBNA Adopts Innes Avenue:
Saturday July 18, 2020

IBNA members picked up 5 bags of trash in 90 minutes!

Last spring, the India Basin Neighborhood Assocation, working with the Department of Public Works, adopted Innes Avenue from Hudson Avenue to Donahue Avenue for regular litter cleaning. The hope is that neighbors will gather for monthly clean-up mornings (with coffee!).

While Covid-19 restrictions haven’t allowed these events to take place, members of the Board of Directors couldn’t wait to get started!

Thanks David and Anna for spearheading the July cleanup

At the request of Board Member David Springer, who asked his wife Anna for “a clean street” for his birthday, neighbors with shovels, pickers, bags, and masks – because COVID – got to work. Five bags later and the hill looked almost as it did in 1842 when three ‘Gringo’ brothers named Hunter purchased the land from old Jose Cornelio Bernal.

IBNA Annual General Meeting:
Saturday, March 14, 2020 – Canceled

The India Basin Neighborhood Association Annual General Meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 14, will NOT take place this year because of the city of SF request to limit “non-essential” public gatherings. Instead, Board members are extending their terms until we can meet again for a vote, hopefully in early 2021.  Thank you for your understanding. Let’s all stay healthy!

Bay Day India Basin: Kayak Boat Rides
October 19, 2019

IBNA Community Conversation
June 1, 2019

IBNA Annual General Meeting
February 23, 2019

Youth Day on the Bay
October 7, 2017