
AGENDA 07-14-2012

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Agenda Board of Directors Meeting July 14, 2012     Call to order – Determine Quorum an welcome members   Approval of Meeting Minutes:   From June 02. 2012   Chairman’s Report: by Michael Hamman. Discussion of Houseboat   Treasurer’s Report: by Michael Cocagne   Secretary’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith. Correspondence Logo issues Letter of […]


2015 Annual General Meeting

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SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, March 7th, 4:00 pm. The India Basin community will be gathering at Speakeasy Brewery for our annual general meeting. We will celebrate our year of accomplishments, as well as look forward to the big changes in our community; like 200 new units in the Shipyard and the folks that will be […]


Important: 1/15/15 @ 10AM 900 Innes Contract Award Meeting

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There will be an important Rec & Parks Commission meeting on Thursday, January 15th at 10AM in City Hall, Room 416, concerning the possible awarding of a $500,000 contract to Trust for Public Land (TPL) for project planning services for 900 Innes Avenue.  The services will cover everything from project design to public outreach.  Please […]


IBNA Board Officer Wins Emmy Award!!

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IBNA is delighted to share the news that Sean Karlin, IBNA Secretary,  recently won a coveted Emmy Award!  Sean, as director, and his editor from Beyond Pix, won the Emmy for the single commercial spot or campaign series. The criteria stated that it must have been aired on broadcast television, and released in 2013. The […]


Welcome the Alma back to India Basin!

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121 years later, The Alma returns to her cradle…. Alma on San Francisco Bay, ca. 1900, San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park You are cordially invited to join with friends to celebrate San Francisco Bay, launch Year of the Bay, and welcome Alma back to her birthplace at Hunters Point Thursday, November 1, 2012 RSVP: […]