
Agenda 04-01-2023

India Basin Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Monday, April 3, 2023, 9 AM (for April 1), via ZOOM

Board Check in

Treasurer’s Report

  1. Wells Accounts: Savings $3,017.46; Checking $1,401.53 (with $375.04 outstanding) $1030.49.
  1. Pay Pal: $170.27 (still need to do the access process)

APRI: $3,140.50 for “beautification” and “operational” expenses (ready for reimbursement $418.44)

Kayak Event Update

AGM is May 21 (discuss now or form a committee?)

  1. Time?
  1. Budget?
  1. Outreach
    1. Postal mailing list
    1. Newsletter
    1. Facebook
    1. Other?
  1. Special Guest? Who wants to facilitate that?
  1. Presentation
    1. Do we have tech for a Power Point to run throughout event?
  1. Food and beverage
  1. Board ideas

Membership Drive

  • 10:00 AM Special Guest:
    Catherine Etzel, Director of Development, John Stewart Company, about Hunters View Phase 3
  • Beautification activities:
    • Signs for Art on Innes murals and planters
    • Determine next steps: Cleanup days, a mural, other
    • Or, do we have a vote for the choice at the AGM?
  • April Newsletter (to publish April 10?)
    • AGM?, Hunters View Update, Recology leaving Pier 96, Union Bank leaving Bayview Plaza, Posh?, Shipyard Open Studios, any neighbors, business, or history to highlight?

  • Next Board meeting: May _________ (confirm)