
Agenda 02-01-14


Annual General Meeting

Of the Association

February 01, 2014


  1. Call to order – And welcome to everyone.
  1. Introduction to IBNA. Describe the Association and Introduce current Board Members.


  1. Description of accomplishments in past year:
    1. Opened Hudson & Griffith Streets
    2. Successful in getting a new roof on the Shipwright’s Cottage
    3. Work to have the city acquire the property known as 900 Innes
    4. Work with the various stakeholders to complete the Blue Greenway path through India Basin. Secured a commitment from PG&E and Rec & Park, and DPW.
    5. Held our largest Easter Egg Hunt Ever.
    6. Had an amazing day on the bay kayak event in conjunction with our partner America True.


  1. Challenges we will be working on in the coming year.
    1. Continue to advocate for the acquisition of 900 innes
    2. Continue to complete the Blue Greeway advocating with Lennar and the Navy to move it through the Shipyard.
    3. Work with the new owners of the Acosta Parcel to insure a plan for development that aligns with our community vision.
    4. Work with DPW to improve the sidewalks along Innes


  1. Introduce Supervisor Malia Cohen and thank her for her help.


  1. Invitation to those present to join the board and help us meet these challenges.


  1. Conduct Elections
    1. Identify openings.
    2. Allow candidates to present themselves.
    3. Conduct election with a written ballot. & Announce results.


  1. Adjourn meeting and encourage everyone to enjoy themselves and to get to know one another.