India Basin Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Monday, January 9, 2023, 9 AM (for January 7), via ZOOM
Join Zoom Meeting:
- Board Check in
- Treasurer’s Report
- Wells Accounts: Savings $3,016.72; Checking $1444.93.
- Pay Pal: $170.27 (still need to do the access process)
- APRI: $3,140.50 (for “beautification” and “operational” expenses
- PAID in December: USPS for 2023 post office box Jill for reimburse kayak event and Zoom for 2023
- What to do next?
- Beautification activities:
- Please turn in 2022 receipts
- Signs for Art on Innes murals and planters
- Future: Cleanup days, a mural, other?
- AGM?
- Board ideas
- Membership drive
- Beautification activities:
- Request for Support Cruise driverless vehicles. We can discuss and VOTE
Cruise is asking for IBNA letter of support to California Public Utility Commission before January 25. They are applying for 24/7 full-city use of driverless vehicles (they currently have 10p-5a access to civic center and western addition). They may not roll out 24/7 full city, but seek the option. DMV has approved. Cars are all electric. You call the cars via a “ride hail” application linked to customer credit card. They have been operating several months and have no accidents. In case of “accident” or other emergency, the cars are equipped with On Star, which calls SFPD immediately. SFPD has Cruise insurance information or customer can get information on Cruise website. I thought it might help solve our “first and last mile” problem with Muni being unreliable / not existing after 10 pm. IBNA has supported Cruise expansion in the past. - January Newsletter to publish January 12 (?) HELP!
- Jack London history in India Basin (his birthday is January 12)
- Reminder: Entwined in GG Park (Charlie / Box Shop connection)?
- Need for Board Members
- Next Board meeting: February (confirm)