
Agenda 9-12-2015


Board of Directors Meeting

September 12, 2015



  1. Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes: From August 1, 2015


  1. Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)


  1. Chair’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith


  1. Treasurer’s Report: by Allen Frazier.


  1. Secretary’s Report: by Sean Karlin.
    1. Correspondence
    2. i. Thank you letters:


  1. Other Reports:
    1. Update on the Eastern Waterfront Neighbors – Sean Karlin, Pauline Peele


  1. Old / On-going Business:
    1. Dan Leininger re planning for October’s Kayak event
    2. Kayak sponsors: Central Concrete, Recology, Bayview Boat Club, ??
    3. Task Force for 900 Innes & India Basin Open Space 10/7/15Sue Ellen
  2. New Business:
    1. Volunteers for Coastal Clean Up / Flight of Fancy stairs 9/12/15
    2. 4101 3rd Street development – Pauline Peele
    3. Informal BV/HP organizations meet up – Michael Hamman
    4. Bayview Historical Society – request for letter of support – Michael
    5. Application for new building construction at 818 Innes – Michael



  1. (10:30 AM)